


  1. Abstracts must be submitted in ENGLISH.
  2. Participants may submit MORE THAN ONE abstract.
  3. Case reports and case series will be accepted.
  4. Abstract should be based on original research and should NOT have been presented at any international scientific conferences.
  5. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to decide on the acceptance of abstracts for poster and oral presentation and their decision is final.
  6. All presenters should be registered as delegates for the convention.


  1. The abstract should include : Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion/Conclusion.
  2. The structured abstract SHOULD NOT exceed the 300 word limit.
  3. Author(s)’s name must be written in FULL. Do not include professional title or degrees. List any institutional affiliation, state and country.
  4. Abstract title must be in the Title Case, e.g. “Retroperitoneal Fibrosis : A Rare Disease for Frontline Clinicians”.
  5. Do not include graphs, tables or illustrations in the abstract.
  6. An abstract template can be downloaded here.

Submission Guidelines

  1. All abstract must be submitted via the convention website.
  2. The abstract should be attached as a Word Document.
  3. No other form of submissions will be entertained. (e.g. hard copy).
  4. The Secretariat will notify participants regarding the dateline of abstract submission and the results of their submission once finalized by the Secretariat. (via e-mail)

Poster Display and Presentation

  1. Poster must be in the following format: POTRAIT A0 within size (90cm width x 120 cm height).
  2. Participants are responsible for printing of posters and for the materials to put up the posters on designated panel at the exhibition area.(No funds for poster printing)
  3. Further details regarding poster display onto the panel board will be announced later once finalized by the Secretariat.

Oral Presentations

  1. Each presentation will be allocated a time of 5 minutes and 3 minutes for questions
  2. Presenters are required to prepare their presentation in the Power Point format.

For further enquiries, please contact: MMA Perak @ 05-2436543

Important Dates

  1. Abstract Submission Opens : 1st December 2019
  2. Abstract Submission Closes : 15th April 2020

For further enquiries, please contact: MMA Perak @ 05-2436543

  • Please key in as per your MMA account